Friday, December 31, 2010

Glory Descending

Glory Descending


Glory of God descending

Heralding Truth come nigh

Showering grace and mercy

Straight from His throne on high.

Beckoning forth His calling

Gathering those who would come

Loosening chains of bondage

Powers of Satan undone.

Redemption at last extended,

Pardon from sin's last grasp.

Going forth to victory,

Perils of darkness now past.

Why would He show such kindness?

Who could refuse His entreat?

Oh the sweet smell of victory

Quelling the stench of defeat.

The infinite joy of redemption.

How soon we forget its delight,

Taking back burdens once lifted,

Dwelling in fear and fright.

Rekindling the fire once within us.

Reclaiming the promises won

Accepting his blood-bought mercy.

Basking in Light of His Son.

May we never forget his goodness.

Falling prostrate before his feet,

Lifting praises of Hallelujah.

To banish the call of retreat.

That the standard go forth into battle.

His victory proclaimed through the land.

The conflict quelled by his Presence,

Crushed by the pow'r of his hand.

Forever his promise extended.

Eternity proffered to all

Who beckon his tender blessings,

Who heed his heralding call.

Oh, the perilous path of destruction.

Overcome by price of the Lamb.

His death on the cross of Calvary.

Resurrected, The Way of "I AM."