Thursday, October 28, 2010

This Mortal Soul

This Mortal Soul
Reflections on James 1:4-5  

What soul doth stir within this mortal frame,
 a weathered shell in which a child remains,
 who with abandon sprang to conquer every foe,
 with but a righteous cloak of self, to show
 with pomp and pride the gain which he did view  
 as that of toil and merit now come due?

Scant prayer for wisdom ere he began  
 to march the wide, worn trails of greedy man. 
Then laden ships of spoils succumbed
 to raging squalls that had become
 a tempest in the turmoiled tide,
 crushed by gales of stormy pride,  
 afloat except for saving grace 
 in tumult of a turmoiled place. 

Now calmed are once tormented seas.
Solemn stills once urgent pleas.
From placid shores flotillas embark
 on pacific routes from the Master's chart
I pray that God may always be,
 my compass on vast and troubled seas.

                                         GW Yeatman

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